Aila and Michael welcomed 5 beauties on 08/15/24
Red F 1 is the lightest. They’ll be 8 weeks and ready to leave on 10/10/24. All puppies are AKC registered but leave with limited registration And spay agreement Pups are $2000 For red and $1800 for the black. A deposit of $300 holds and the balance of $1700 or $1500 is due at pickup. We are located in Trion Ga. We do offer delivery within 500 miles of Trion Ga for an extra fee. I can also meet you or a flight nanny in Atlanta at the airport for $75 fee as it’s 4 hours round trip.
annie and willie have a beautiful litter of black babies. 5 Boys $1600 and 1 girl $1800. They Will be posted individually once their eyes open around 2 weeks of age. Pups will be $1800 for the girl and $1600 for boys. A deposit of $200 holds until pickup at 8 weeks of age. All pups are vet checked, have first shots, microchipped, have limited akc paperwork and will leave with a health guarantee and spay agree. Located in Trion Ga but can deliver for a fee within 500 miles. They’ll be ready 10/23
We have a black boy $1600, a black girl $1800 and a red girl $2000 in this litter. They’ll be ready 10/23 they’ll have limited AKC registration and an agreement to spay/neuter
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